
  1. A Grand Canyon Stream of Consciousness

    October 3, 2022
    Rim2Rim2Rim in 50 miles (ish) We set out under a blanket of stars. Under the same stars that overlooked the trillions of people before us, attempting similar feats. Of course, you can say that about any night of any day, but for some reason the act of pursuing such a…

  2. I Am Who I Am.

    October 2, 2022
    “If what you do is who you are, you’ll never fail until you cease to exist.” This isn’t a famous quote. In fact, it was said to me in the corner of a kitchen, in a small hut, in the middle of Colorado- quite an anticlimactic place for such a…

  3. On Failing & Dreaming

    October 2, 2022
    Is it worth it That’s the incessant question we always ask. The question we unconsciously and consciously consider day in and day out. The question that keeps us up at night as we put every fiber of our being and every ounce of our energy into chasing our inconsolable dreams.…

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