
  1. A Letter to the Me of 2023

    2023-01-02 13:20:07 UTC
    At this moment in time, it is January 2nd. I am sitting in the backseat of dad’s truck, smushed between people and luggage and dogs. We are packed up and driving through the impossibly foggy roads, heading back home to Indiana from our week spent in Florida. When we arrive…

  2. Mountain Magic.

    2022-10-03 00:09:23 UTC
    A reflection written for Footprints Running Camp, which I attended In the summer of 2021.  Cue May of 2021: I was a junior in college, and I had switched majors about 6 times until finally settling on Biology (while also having a crisis and creating a made-up 2nd major, Neurophilosophy…

  3. Risk and Reward, Fear and Freedom

    2022-10-03 00:04:00 UTC
    As a runner, the majority of my nerves before races were rooted in the fear of underperforming or failing; and failing most often meant simply not hitting times or beating my competition. Yet, as I have begun my journey into the cycling world, failure has brought on a whole other…

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